Sunday, July 29, 2012

Roommate Moments #4

I have a roommate named Haley.

She's very cool.

I can't wait to meet her at our new school.
(Yes, I hummed "Lip Gloss" while I typed that.)

Too bad she hates me (and Marissa). I haven't heard from her since Thursday. And that's a big deal for us. She's pretty much disappeared off the face of the Earth Internet. I even threatened to break up with her and no response! Not even a gazillion voicemails from Marissa and I could track her down. I might have to go to a last resort...

Message Ahren.

Haley, if you're out there, you saw it here first. Just remember. I tried to warn you.

{In all seriousness, Haley, we really hope everything is okay. We just want you back in our life!}

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