Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Have These Really Awesome People in My Life Like... {Two}


Seeing as it's Chelsea's birthday, why not write about her?

Besides the fact that she's pretty much one of the bestest friends in the whole entire world and I love her?

Well, she's pretty cute.
(Gorgeous, right?)

Also, she likes to tell embarassing stories... about herself. That's pretty great, too.

She really likes to save her money. She's buying herself a car! (A 2013 Kia Rio in Signal Red lol)

She's the one person that I will take mirror pics with. The other times? They drive me absolutely insane. Can't. Do it!

We look really cute together. 
I can prove it.
This is us. The day we met. March 12, 2011.
We are pretty freaking gorgeous. 
And we became instant friends. That's how I knew she was a keeper.

Also she's really good at taking one for the team. (And we have her back, too. Promise.)

She takes some ridiculously awesome pictures.

She's pretty important because without her, Marissa and I don't have a blonde friend. And we just can't have that, now can we?

But most importantly, I've seen her probably eight times in my life. And she's one of those people I just can't live without. 

So here's to you, Chels. Happy Birthday. <3