List 10 things you would tell your 16-year-old self if you could.
Well I'm only 18. I don't know how much I have to say. Haha
1. Stay in AP Bio. But try not to procrastinate so much. Those sleepless nights suck.
2. Boys are dumb.
3. The people you meet through church will become some of your absolute greatest friends.
4. Graduation is a real thing! And with time it comes. But enjoy it while you can.
5. Don't stress about so much. Rather enjoy the things you have.
6. There are so many things to be grateful for it's hard to be down about anything.
8. Don't waste your time with other colleges; deep down BYU was always it.
9. Do what your told. It's easier that way.
10. If you think life is great now, just wait.
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