Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today I Kinda Freaked...

I realized I leave in a month. Like, exactly. And it's coming so fast. And then Haley texted me and said she was nervous about leaving, too. And on top of a million other things going on right now, I really didn't know if I'd be able to handle leaving. I'm so completely satisfied in my life right now. I'm working and doing the adult things. But when I get off, I get to be a kid. I can go over to my friends' houses and decide on a whim to buy some pizzas. We can do what we want to, when we want to. We can stay out late, watch movies, eat froyo, drive around without a care in the world because we know that if anything were to happen our parents are still there, just around the corner. But in a short time all of that will change. My parents (and the adopted set known as the City of Lakeport) won't be there to bail me out, pick me up and dust me off, or just comfort me when I need it. I realize that yeah, to a certain extent they'll always be there. But I know things change, these relationships included.

But for the time being, I think I'll stick to enjoying my last few weeks as an 18-year-old kid.

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