Sunday, August 5, 2012

So What If It's A Week Later

I want to blog about the Giants game.

Baseball is one sport I'll watch and not complain. I actually thoroughly enjoy it. I can't stand watching it with my boys though (Mainly Oren) because they get all analytical about it and I could care less what kind of pitch he threw. And don't even get me started on how cute baseball players are...

It wasn't until a few years ago that I really got into baseball. I guess it was a given. Both my brothers play baseball, my stepdad plays Old Men League softball, and two of my sisters play softball. Everything about it makes me happy. People say it's two slow and nothing happens, and yes I've been to many games that end up having seven innings of unexcitement. But that's part of the beauty of it. Each game is different. The dynamic is always changing. New pitchers, new line-up. Every game starts new. Not to mention the sights and sounds of a ballpark - there's nothing like it!

Junior year, I went to nearly EVERY SINGLE home game for the high school. Every one! I had to watch Ty on the JV team and Oren on the varsity team. It was definitely and interesting season. And the reason for many sleepless nights because I spent homework time at the field. This last year, I went to a few games, but wish I could've gone to more. Unfortunately, my baseball buddy moved and wasn't here this year. So I had to fly solo more than a few times.

Anyways back to the game.

Last Monday, I carpooled to work with my mom thinking I didn't have any plans for the day. I didn't even do my hair. Like no effort whatsoever went in to that ponytail just so I could sleep in longer. On top of that I was in grubby clothes because we were moving everything back into place after painting. I didn't have any plans that evening because it was Becca's birthday and I knew she'd be busy, Brendan was in Alaska, and I'd spent all weekend with the boys.

So needless to say I was rather surprised when Becca called me after my lunch break to ask if I wanted to go the game with her. Was she high? Of course I wanted to go! On the way down, we snacked on the Sour Patch Kids from TimTam and Nick played zombies. I drooled over Lisa's Brazilian Blowout (her hair looked killer). Bec brought me some supes cute clothes to change into (and I got to wear a supes cute hat from Lorna) because I thought for sure I'd be freezing. Oh no. WE WERE IN A SUITE. A freaking suite. At AT&T Park. I was so excited.

Patrick paid for food, that sweetheart (no pun intended). The bathrooms were pristine. They even played jazz music like the CSNBA channel does when the games not on. Buster Posey caught. Bumgarner pitcher. Game went into extra innings. I got a free rally rag. Someone asked me what the Ks on the wall were (shaking my head). And it doesn't even matter that Scutaro blew the game when he struck out in the bottom of the ninth with bases loaded and a tie game. Okay it matters a little. But the best part was making memories with the Lamberts.

And let's just say the ride home was definitely interesting.

And I can't forget Hayden trying to wake Becca and I up in the morning, shoving raisins in our mouths.

Yep, life is good.

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