1. I love Disney and secretly I'm a princess. Okay not really, but I wish.
2. My best friends are a group of boys (MY boys) and I love them to pieces. They call me Momma Goose.
3. After much deliberation, I decided to attend BYU for at least the next four years. Cheers!
4. I absolutely hate (I repeat HATE) cold weather. Here goes cold Provo. lol
5. My ultimate goal in life is to change the world. At the least one person's world.
6. GRAMMAR ERRORS DRIVE ME NUTSO. Seriously, people, go back to elementary school.
7. Favorite smell in the world? A bookstore. Preferably Barnes and Noble. But I'm not too picky.
8. People in high school who are consumed with being in love annoy me. A lot. No offense. I just think there are a lot of other things you can focus your time on and the majority of these relationships won't last.
9. I know that I overextend myself, but I would be way bored without a million things to do at once.
10. I haven't even had one semester at BYU and I already want to study abroad. (Clinic work in Africa, anyone?)
11. I love running water, flushing toilets, and two-ply toilet paper. Two treks and six years of girls camp will do that to a person.
12. I want to get married in the Las Vegas temple. Mainly so I can tell people I got married in Vegas. But hey, all the temples are beautiful, so why not choose one?
13. I cheered for a total of seven years. And I loved it. Not because of the uniforms (they're not that comfy), but because I loved being able to be apart of something that HAS to be perfect. Yes, I'm a minor perfectionist.
14. I'm more willing to clean out other people's rooms than my own. Nine times out of ten, my room is an absolute disaster.
15. I fell in love with musical theater when I saw Wicked in 2009. I saw it again in 2010 (still amazing, btw) and auditioned for Footloose in 2011. Little did I know, I would get a major role. It was one of the best decisions I made senior year (and that includes not taking AP Calc).
16. I'm Mormon. Just in case you didn't catch that from my other posts. PS. Stalk away!
17. Twilight, Glee, and Harry Potter fan before it was cool. HIPSTER
18. I CAN'T STAND people who are Debbie Downers/Eeyores. Can't do it. So I avoid them.
19. I love mint chip ice cream with caramel, double-stuf oreos, rolo mcflurries, grilled cheese sammies, and quesadillas. Hopefully I won't gain like 800 pounds next year...
20. Last but not least, I don't know how to study. I've tried and I feel stupid. Someone, help?
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