Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life has a purpose

And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful the purpose my life has particularly. (Check back later for a post with the deats. But this is a different story.) I found this article in seminary last year. And it has stuck with me since then. You can see the whole article here. But my favorite part is the boy's (Mike) journal entry that says:

To the girl I’m going to marry someday:
I don’t even know your name or where you live or anything about you, but I know you’re growing up some place the same as me. Do you ever get discouraged? I do. I have friends at school but nobody I can really talk to about what I’m thinking because none of them believe the same way. I just want you to know I’m trying to live the way I should. I’m doing okay so far, but it’s not easy sometimes. All my friends are drinking now, so there’s not much I can do with them anymore on the weekends. I run along a bike path when I need to think. I really wish we could spend some time together now.
I’ll be glad when I finally get to meet you. I want to live so I never do anything that I’d be ashamed to tell you about.
There are a lot of things I need to do now to prepare for the future. Right now the biggest thing is to save up for my mission. And after that I need to try to figure out what I want to do for a living.
I’ve been thinking about you lately and about when we get married. Sometimes it’s hard not to think about the things that go with marriage. But I guess I can stand holding off until you’re my wife. My bishop says it’s worth waiting, to make it the way God wants it to be.
Guess what. I love you even if I don’t know your name or where you live.
Love, your future husband, Mike
The story, to me, puts my life in perspective. At the young age of 18, I understand I've got a whole lot of living left to do. And a WHOLE lot of time before I even think about marriage. But it definitely gives me reason to live my life in such a way that I can find my future gorgeous, RM, perfect  husband. As if the temple, the prophets, my Savior, and my God weren't good enough reasons.

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