These are all of me (and the cast) being all churchy. I'm such a good housewife it's ridiculous. In numbers 1 and 2, I'm standing next to my 'daughter'. Funny how they cast the two red heads huh? Too bad the dad is Asian. hahaha Notice in number 3 I have no shoes on and my hair is significantly smaller than in all the other pictures. That's because it wasn't a performance - just wanted to clarify that I'm not that tacky.
Amazing AMAZING cast. See photo number 4 for my trashy hoe wig. It's blond with black roots. Hot, amiright? Some days I wanted to rip their throats out but mainly I loved this cast like a family.
Me and the hubs (In the play. Gotta clarify for people googling this and looking for BYU married students. Awk.) 1. End scene that I couldn't look him in the eye during because I just started cracking up because I couldn't even take him seriously and it was supposed to be a tender moment and there were just so many things wrong with it that it had to be altered. 2. Me, sucking up as usual. This is the picture that was in the paper. And the school bulletin. And everywhere else. Couldn't find a better one? Really? 3. That's me in a robe and silky jammies. Oh and you can't forget the night cap. Just so you know I sang a solo in that outfit and freaking rocked it. I'm talking tears, people. Check it out here.
1. Me just doing me thang.
2. (going down) That's the gym scene - Shawn took his shirt off. And Faith talked about periods.
3. BROOKIE. That's my cheer buddy for lifeeee.
4. Coree. That's the face she gave me every morning in seminary. Just kidding. Not really.
5. Me again. I just think it's such a glamour shot even with my stage makeup on. I think I yell at the hubs in this scene.
6. Coree, Jesse, and Kelcie. They're just so cute. They did the musical even with basketball AND softball. #dedication