Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cuppy is My Man

You've all seen this movie, right?

If you haven't you should just leave now.

Growing up, okay to this day, I've had an obsession with anything that had to do with a red head. Madeline, Little Mermaid, Enchanted, the Peanuts, and yes, obviously, The Parent Trap. In fact, it was one of my favorite movies.

So it shouldn't come to you as a surprise that I brought Charlie Brown with me to school.

Or that I have this bad boy on my bed:

(Although I must say, mine is WAY cuter.)

Now, if you're looking at this and wondering, "Why does Brittani have a scary stuffed rabbit?" again, you can leave. I've had Cuppy longer than I can remember. And I love that I have to explain it to everyone who comes in my room and sees it.

Wanna see him in action? He's a star.
Anyway, I figured I'd blog about my love because, well he's the best. And yes, I talk to my stuffed animal like it's real. Quit judging.

Reason number two for this blog post: Amber thinks he's the worst. Little does she a know that a mint condition Cuppy is selling on ebay at a high of $129.95. 

Not only is he a star, he's rare. And he's all mine.

Gingers, ftw. 

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