Wednesday, August 31, 2011

adsirfhweaoirjoisdgherh (RAGE)

So I haven't posted anything in a while. And right now it's probably very stupid of me to be blogging. But sometimes there's no other medium but to write out your anger.

Recently, people who haven't been involved in a project in the past now want to get involved. Oh, but thats not the best part! I just love it oh so very much when they try to tell ME I'm wrong. I'm sorry that I've only been doing this for years longer than you. It seems like everytime I talk no one is listening. And of course I have no idea what I'm doing. EVER.

AND THEN! The way some people think that they don't have to respect anyone is just amazing. It's experiences like this that make me grateful for the way I was raised and that I know how to act around people. It's almost like they have no reason to acknowledge other people. With attitudes like that, (excuse me) we're screwed. If my generation is the future, shouldn't our elders be teaching us how to interact and work together? Maybe I'm just to set on the idea of people actually joining together with a common idea, and it's really all a fantasy in my head. Sometimes, life is so overwhelmingly ridiculous, I don't know what I really think.

Ah the joys of living...

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