Sunday, July 29, 2012

Roommate Moments #4

I have a roommate named Haley.

She's very cool.

I can't wait to meet her at our new school.
(Yes, I hummed "Lip Gloss" while I typed that.)

Too bad she hates me (and Marissa). I haven't heard from her since Thursday. And that's a big deal for us. She's pretty much disappeared off the face of the Earth Internet. I even threatened to break up with her and no response! Not even a gazillion voicemails from Marissa and I could track her down. I might have to go to a last resort...

Message Ahren.

Haley, if you're out there, you saw it here first. Just remember. I tried to warn you.

{In all seriousness, Haley, we really hope everything is okay. We just want you back in our life!}

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today I Kinda Freaked...

I realized I leave in a month. Like, exactly. And it's coming so fast. And then Haley texted me and said she was nervous about leaving, too. And on top of a million other things going on right now, I really didn't know if I'd be able to handle leaving. I'm so completely satisfied in my life right now. I'm working and doing the adult things. But when I get off, I get to be a kid. I can go over to my friends' houses and decide on a whim to buy some pizzas. We can do what we want to, when we want to. We can stay out late, watch movies, eat froyo, drive around without a care in the world because we know that if anything were to happen our parents are still there, just around the corner. But in a short time all of that will change. My parents (and the adopted set known as the City of Lakeport) won't be there to bail me out, pick me up and dust me off, or just comfort me when I need it. I realize that yeah, to a certain extent they'll always be there. But I know things change, these relationships included.

But for the time being, I think I'll stick to enjoying my last few weeks as an 18-year-old kid.

Friday, July 20, 2012

There are those moments that I really love living here.

Like those nights where I can stop at the majority of my friend's houses. And we can all get in a car and just go where the wind takes us.

When we joke about going to school and play out scenarios in our minds:
"Oh hey guys. So wanna go meet at the school? Play some capture the flag? Go catch cats behind Taco Bell? Just meet at Safeway. What's open right now? Only Jack-in-the-Box? Let's go. Hey meet at Vista."
And the answer to all of these are something like:
What are you talking about?
Which one?

And my personal favorite...
What kind of childhood did you have??

When we go into Safeway and to buy a bagel and a donut at 10:30 (why not?) and then get asked by the people in front of us if we're 21. And then those people ask the cashier why the store isn't open 24 hours. She says, "Because the only people around here out that late are tweakers, thieves, and drunks." And it took everything in me not to laugh. If only you could see those two... (No judgments though!)

When the boys make me play zombies. I. Am. Horrible.

When we go somewhere and we automatically start looking for people we know. The more the merrier!

When someone comes in to Tutti Frutti and the recognize me from somewhere else. (Today it was the office. Other times it's been the play or cheer or something else from school. People really are always watching.)

When we can go and look at the stars. Every single night. And when the moon is bright enough to reflect on the lake.

I'm a pretty lucky girl when it comes down to it.

Took this on my phone. No editing necessary.  Loooove where I live.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thing 7/30: Dream Job

Well I have a couple. If I ever got in one of those places where I didn't have to work, but I wanted to just for fun I would want to work at Disneyland (doesn't matter doing what. It's just so magical) or in Barnes and Noble (love love LOVE new books especially the smell). Now obviously I'm not going to college so that I can stock books at Barnes and Noble or welcome people into Disneyland for the day.

I'm going to school to major in Nursing so that I can work in my REAL dream job. I hope to obtain a Masters and work as a pediatric nurse practitioner so I can make kids feel better. :) I want to specialize in oncology as well. But, one step at a time. Slowly it's becoming more of  a reality and I'm so flippin excited.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thing 6/30: Life is Hard

And the hardest part of my life is happening right now. It started with choosing what schools to apply to. And then figuring out scholarships and financial aid. And then getting accepted to every school I applied to and having to decide. And then getting scholarships and additional admissions that made it even harder to decide. And then having my heart set on a school out of my reach. And then crying when I had to go with the other choice. {And then there was that happy moment that had to do with figuring everything out and meeting the roomie and then graduation and life being blissful} And then having to work two jobs. And then having to figure out financial stuff, like loans. And then keeping my head up and enjoying the last few weeks at home.

...And then no more and then.

Tonight I Ate My Feelings in Froyo.

And now I know that if the option to suffer death by froyo ever comes along, it will definitely NOT be my first choice. Did you know froyo comes bucket-sized? Well it does. And if anyone can finish it on their own they deserve it at no cost. Trust me.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm in love

Don't get to excited. I'm in love with my life. It's so incredibly fantastic that I wish I could pause and rewind it sometimes. So in summary, the last couple of days:

  • Impromtu sleepover with Becca... Two nights in a row.
  • Oh we're bored? Let's bake cake batter cookies.
  • Trying on absolutely ridiculous outfits because, why not?
  • Late nights with some fantastic people.
  • Looking at the stars. I love them.
  • Rockin' out to N'Sync in my car. I <3 Boy Bands.
  • Night swimming. Glow Sticks Included. Plus lights in the pool and hot tub. Thatswhatsup.
  • S'mores. (can you tell we like to eat?)
  • Going over to one of those fantastic people's house for dinner and getting my own bowl of pasta because they know that I don't like seafood. Maybe I'm spending too much time over there? Nahh.
  • Watching movies. What movies? Tangled, Licensed to Wed, Easy A, and pretty much whatever we feel like, whenever we feel like.
  • Killer sunsets. (The only bummer is they were awesome because of a really big fire)
I know there's more. But basically, I love summer. It almost makes me not want to go to school. Almost.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Graduation Speech

I'm incredibly proud of being a part of the CLHS Class of 2012

And I'm pretty proud of this speech, too. ;)

I know it's long, but I'm pretty freaking hilarious.

If the video doesn't work, follow this link.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thing 5/30: Happiness

List five things that make you happy right now.

1. My boys. They are my best friends and my brothers. They drive me absolutely insane, trash my car, eat everything insight, pick on me endlessly, but there is no way my life would be the same without them.

2. Thinking about college. I'msoflippingexcitedthatIcan'tevenseperatemywords! I feel so blessed to be ready to start this next phase of my life. (And with some pretty awesome people to boot)

3. Attempting to make ice cream multiple times. And failing multiple times. It just doesn't get old. You'd think that because I work at a frozen yogurt shop I'd be better at it. But it's hopeless.

4. Pinterest. 'Nuff said.

5. Blogging! Thanks to the roomie I've gotten into the habit of blogging. And I realize that not many people will actually read this. But it's nice to have something for me to read. I guess I could write in a journal... But this is way more fun.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Have These Really Awesome People in My Life Like... {Two}


Seeing as it's Chelsea's birthday, why not write about her?

Besides the fact that she's pretty much one of the bestest friends in the whole entire world and I love her?

Well, she's pretty cute.
(Gorgeous, right?)

Also, she likes to tell embarassing stories... about herself. That's pretty great, too.

She really likes to save her money. She's buying herself a car! (A 2013 Kia Rio in Signal Red lol)

She's the one person that I will take mirror pics with. The other times? They drive me absolutely insane. Can't. Do it!

We look really cute together. 
I can prove it.
This is us. The day we met. March 12, 2011.
We are pretty freaking gorgeous. 
And we became instant friends. That's how I knew she was a keeper.

Also she's really good at taking one for the team. (And we have her back, too. Promise.)

She takes some ridiculously awesome pictures.

She's pretty important because without her, Marissa and I don't have a blonde friend. And we just can't have that, now can we?

But most importantly, I've seen her probably eight times in my life. And she's one of those people I just can't live without. 

So here's to you, Chels. Happy Birthday. <3

Roommate Moments #3

As I was looking at Haley's blog this morning, I realized that I was so glad she could copy and paste the Declaration of Independence so that it was on her blog. (Click here to see it.) And so, being the wonderful person I am, I commented on the post that I was glad.

She texts me later and calls me a cyberbully. Some friend.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thing 4/30: Sixteen

List 10 things you would tell your 16-year-old self if you could.

Well I'm only 18. I don't know how much I have to say. Haha

1. Stay in AP Bio. But try not to procrastinate so much. Those sleepless nights suck.
2. Boys are dumb.
3. The people you meet through church will become some of your absolute greatest friends.
4. Graduation is a real thing! And with time it comes. But enjoy it while you can.
5. Don't stress about so much. Rather enjoy the things you have.
6. There are so many things to be grateful for it's hard to be down about anything.
8. Don't waste your time with other colleges; deep down BYU was always it.
9. Do what your told. It's easier that way.
10. If you think life is great now, just wait.

Youth Conference 2012

This weekend was youth conference. And while the pictures on my facebook show some of the wonderful times I had, they don't completely show the wonderful SPIRITUAL times I had. And that is what was important about this weekend.

Because my birthday is in March, this year was my fourth youth conference. That being said, I went in thinking I knew what to expect. A testimony-strengthening event where I meet lots of cool people, dance the nights away, eat some awesome food, and maybe even cry a little (or a lot) at the end.

I did meet lots of cool people, I did dance a lot and ate a lot too. And I cried a little. But I kept looking for that super spiritual event that would help my testimony grow. And for some reason it wasn't happening. I liked all the speakers, don't get me wrong, and I definitely learned a lot. But it just didn't feel like it had before.

It wasn't until testimony meeting that I understood why I needed to be there. Being one of the oldest youth and being apart of the planning brought on a whole different perspective. I saw younger girls I had met at Girls Camp and testify that they know the truthfulness of the Gospel. I saw people I was merely acquainted with go up and search for the right words to say about their love for the Church. And I saw a lot of happy people talking about the happiness they gain from their religion. It was in that moment that I knew - youth conference gave me insight, on a very small scale, why the leaders have done so much for me the last six years. Why they spend sleepless nights at Girls camp, work so hard on youth conference and trek, and spend hours upon hours planning. It was so that someone, just one person, could have a spiritual experience. And I can't take complete or total credit for everything that occurred at youth conference, seeing as I played such a small role. But I can feel that youth conference was a success because someone had a spiritual experience and their testimony grew.

That was part one of my testimony-strengthening event. Haha

It wasn't until AFTER the testimony at the last possible opportunity that I had one of those "Please help me remember the moment forever" Moments.

It's almost a funny story. I was looking around for someone because I promised him a dance. And I step outside for a few seconds thinking he'll be there. Instead, I'm greeted by two of my favorite priesthood holders: Grandpa and Bishop Bunch. Bishop Bunch looks at me and says, "Brittani, there's a girl around the corner who's crying and I think she really needs a lady friend right now."
"Say no more. I'm on it."

When I turn around the corner I see L, crying as she's sitting in the grass. And I go over and tell her honestly that Bishop Bunch told me to come talk to her. She told me she really wanted to be alone and I told her I wasn't leaving. We sat there for a while and I told her I would listen if she wanted to talk about what was bothering her or we could just sit. And she said that she had been praying. I told her that was probably a good choice. Lol. And after she started warming up to me, she told me that she had felt like an outcast in her own group of friends. That they were being mean to others and to her as well. She felt even her sister was being mean. And she wished she could be inside dancing, but someone had called her weird when she was. I tried to explain that being in that type of environment with so many people that for some reason we're trying to impress we often act different that we normally would. And as for the sister thing, it was embedded in their DNA to argue and have tough moments. She laughed at what a dork I am. And then her sister came out and apologized. I told her after her sister left that we could go back in and she could meet my friends. And that's exactly what we did. I didn't see her much the rest of the night. But after the closing prayer she came up to me and asked me for my phone number because she said I really helped her. And she knew that if she ever had a problem again she could talk to me about it. And then I had my spiritual moment. She said that she had been sitting there, praying, and then I walked around the corner and she felt I was the answer to her prayer.

And that was all I needed.

I know that these programs for youth are inspired. And I'm so grateful for the memories and testimonies that I've gained because of them. And I'm grateful everyday that I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. It brings me such happiness and I can't imagine life without it.